Here's how you create a CSV file that will open in Excel. It is a csv (Comma spaced Value) file with double quotes " as identifiers.
Notice that fileStream.setLength(0) makes it so you will overwrite whatever data is in the file you are saving to.
private void ButtonRunCSV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
String saveFileName = saveFileDialog1.FileName;
FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(saveFileName, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fileStream);
sw.WriteLine("Company Name,"
+ "Phone Number,"
+ "Call Date,"
+ "Call Length,"
+ "First Name,"
+ "Last Name,"
+ "Contact Title,"
+ "Gender,"
+ "Address,"
+ "City,"
+ "State,"
+ "Zip,"
+ "Country,"
+ "Email,"
+ "Fax,"
+ "Second Phone Number,"
+ "Website,"
+ "Google Verified,"
+ "Yahoo Verified,"
+ "Indexed Pages Online,"
+ "Site Links,"
+ "Site References,"
+ "Google Reviews,"
+ "Yahoo Reviews,"
+ "Web Reviews,"
+ "Annual Sales,"
+ "Employees,"
+ "SIC Code,"
+ "Industry,"
+ "Company Description,"
+ "Latitude,"
+ "Longitude");
foreach (Lead l in leads)
lead = l;
if (!lead.IsClient)
string newLine = "";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.CompanyName)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.CompanyName) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.PhoneNumber)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.PhoneNumber) + "," : ",";
newLine += (lead.CallDate != DateTime.MinValue) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.CallDate.ToString("MMM d, yyyy h:mm tttt") + " PST") + "," : ",";
newLine += (lead.SecondsOnPhone != -1) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(lead.SecondsOnPhone).Minutes.ToString() + " Min") + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.ContactFirstName)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.ContactFirstName) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.ContactLastName)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.ContactLastName) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.ContactTitle)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.ContactTitle) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.ContactGender)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.ContactGender) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.Address)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.Address) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.City)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.City) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.State)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.State) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.ZipCode)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.ZipCode) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.Country)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.Country) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.Email)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.Email) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.FaxNumber)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.FaxNumber) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.PhoneNumber2)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.PhoneNumber2) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.Website)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.Website) + "," : ",";
newLine += ((lead.GoogleVerified)) ? "Yes," : ",";
newLine += ((lead.YahooVerified)) ? "Yes," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.IndexedPages)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(GetTheNumberWithinTheTag(lead.IndexedPages)) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.SiteLinks)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(GetTheNumberWithinTheTag(lead.SiteLinks)) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.SiteReferences)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(GetTheNumberWithinTheTag(lead.SiteReferences)) + "," : ",";
newLine += (lead.GoogleReviewsCount > 0) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.GoogleReviewsCount.ToString()) + "," : ",";
newLine += (lead.YahooReviewsCount > 0) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.YahooReviewsCount.ToString()) + "," : ",";
newLine += (lead.WebReviewsCount > 0) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.WebReviewsCount.ToString()) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.AnnualSales)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.AnnualSales) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.Employees)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.Employees) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.SICCode)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.SICCode) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.Industry)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.Industry) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.Description)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.Description) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.Latitude)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.Latitude) + "," : ",";
newLine += (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.Longitude)) ? ToCSVDelimitedString(lead.Longitude) + "," : "";
private String ToCSVDelimitedString(String field)
return "\"" + field.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\"";
private String GetTheNumberWithinTheTag(String tag)
int last = 0;
last = tag.IndexOf('<', 1);
if (last > 0)
return tag.Substring(tag.IndexOf('>') + 1, last - tag.IndexOf('>') - 1);
return tag.Substring(tag.IndexOf('>') + 1, tag.Length - tag.IndexOf('>') - 1);
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