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Sunday, November 17, 2019

Revelations at church after escorting Geri to class

Dear Heavenly father, thank you for the impressions though hast given me this day. I am grateful for Jesus Christ who died for me. Not the death of this world which is final and fruitless, but a death he knew would lead to new life. I am grateful that he suffered for me so much so that I could live. His death was not in vain his death was one he knew he could call back his life yet he knew he had to give up His precious life in this world and suffer all that this body can feel and go through the entire process of the shut down and lifelessness of a body that is my mortal and the rest of those in this world feel. I am grateful for the soldiers who have given their lives and the other soldiers who carry the heavier burden of carrying on their memory and justifying in their minds and hearts the cause for which they died 💔. Which reminds me of the weight. The weight we must carry in remembering the death of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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